This site is consistently under construction, so please bear with us during this sites construction. Welcome to the PHS Art Club Web Page! I am extremely proud and honored to work with such an extraordinary group of young students who dedicate their time and efforts to create a great club regarding the arts. To ALL of the Art Club MEMBERS... Thank You! If you are a Studio Art Student and would like to join the 2007-2008 Art Club, please come by and see the Art Club President (ID posted on my office door) or myself for details! Getting into the art club is by election and is a very prestigious position in the art department to hold. The President is chosen by the teacher. 3 team captains are then chosen by the president and the teacher from a list of potential members. Those three captains then elect 12 more members to the art club from prospective members wanting to join (all must be in agreement, undecided positions will be filled by the president If only one choice is available the president can elect the last member. Even amounts left over will result in the President and Teacher evenly electing positions, If an odd number is left the President will have the larger amount of positions to elect members.) Members are then evenly chosen and distributed to the teams by classmanship. All together there are 3 captains, 12 apprentices, and 1 president. 16 members all together If you have any questions at all, please email me at williamse@phs.poteau.k12.ok.us. Thank You Mr. Williams
Proposed Art Club Events